Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It comes to an end

Our last birthday celebration.  Elder Kearl and Elder Holt turned 21 on the same day.

Our landlords, Kaldip and Balbear.  They were so great.

Paul made Elder Boehmer a certificate for being the Supreme Assistant Vehicle Coordinator.  He used to kid him all of the time about earning his certificate.

The Merciers and the Boehmers serving our farewell dinner at the Tillman's home.

We had a final testimony meeting with all of the returning missionaries.  We are all going home on July 4th.  Going on a mission was one of the best decisions we have ever made and we are so glad we had the experience.   We loved all of the senior missionaries that we served with as well as the young elders and sisters. We were so fortunate to have served with two great Mission President's and their wives.  We served with President and Sister Nelson for the first six months. The last year we served with President and Sister Tilleman.  Our lives have been GREATLY enriched and our testimonies have grown.

As soon as we got home, we rushed off to Disneyworld with the entire family (17 of us).  Here are all of the grandkids.  Kelle made the cute shirts.

Kelle, Cory and Stacy in their matching outfits.