Saturday, November 12, 2011


We thought that it would be fun to decorate the Mission office for the Haloween season; however, after counsel from President Tilleman about our real purpose and calling we decided to take it down so that the right spirit would be communicated to all that came into the office...He was right!

However after we left the office and went to our Ward "Trunk or Treat" all of the Halloween glee came out as witnessed by Elder and Sister Lewis.

We took Elders Williams (left) and Larson (right) out for their 21st birthdays. They have been our "Office Elders" for many months doing whatever we needed to have done.  They are both leaving to go back home after their Mission service in December.

Yet another "Transfer" with Elders Finlinson, Hayward, and Caten (new missionary).

Sisters Bosshardt, Post, Yao, and Kruzycki. Sister Kruzycki is leaving in December to finish her Law Degree and start her practice in Colorado.

President Tilleman (smiling still) after interviewing, training, and setting the mood of the Mission with all of those that came in for the Transfer...about 80 in all.

Elder Rameka, from New Zealand, was transfered from Zone Leader on Vancouver Island to the Zone Leader in Surrey which is in the Lower Mainland.

This is Elder Williams who served as our Office Elder for 10 straight months (a record) before being transfered up to Quesnel District in the Prince George Zone to finish his Missionary service before going back to Utah to continue his education.

Elder Tippetts and Elder Assaad (an Egyptian) who was not sure he wanted to be transfered to Terrace which is in the furthest north District in the Yukon.  He did not know if he would ever be called back to civilization during his Mission.  He left in faith and a happy heart!

Sister Doyle and Tsang are on the Isaland. Aren't they cute!

President Tilleman's 51st Birthday Party at Zone Leader Council.

A Canadian Flag with everyone's signitures and well wishes as the "perfect" birthday gift. Sarah and Sister Tilleman are standing at his side.